Helpful resources

People dealing with HNC may need support beyond just their multidisciplinary health care team.

The Made of More advocacy partners and other organizations offer many resources for patients and caregivers. In the sections below, you will find different types of resources that can help you as you go through HNC diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

General advocacy resources

For a variety of resources and information, explore our advocacy partners’ websites.

Resources for caregivers

If you are providing care to someone with HNC, it’s important to be aware of what to expect. Taking care of yourself is vital so that you can provide the physical, emotional, or practical support that your loved one needs. These resources may help, or you can contact Head & Neck Cancer Alliance, SPOHNC, THANC or CancerCare directly for more information.

Search clinical trials

Clinical trials are research-based studies to test investigative treatments. There are many medicines for different types of HNC in development. Below are links to resources where you can search for clinical trials to potentially discuss with your oncologist.

Clinical trial navigation services

Head & Neck Cancer Alliance, SPOHNC, THANC, and CancerCare each provide patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals an easy way to search and match clinical trials based on your diagnosis, stage and treatment history. Explore their pages below.