Get to know your head and neck cancer (HNC) care team

Everyone’s HNC experience will be unique to their diagnosis, personal situation, and treatment plan.

Throughout your journey, you may encounter a variety of medical specialists, often referred to as a multidisciplinary health care team. Although you might not seek care from everyone listed here, these are some of the health care professionals you may receive care from at various points in your cancer experience.

Watch members of the multidisciplinary health care team give a brief introduction on their roles.

Click on the icons below to learn more about each health care professional (HCP) that may be part of the multidisciplinary team. Some explanations also contain a video from an HCP to provide additional insights and context into the unique role that they play.

Tree Tree
notebook icon representing case manager or navigator
notebook icon representing case manager or navigator
tooth icon representing dentist
tooth icon representing dentist
face profile icon representing ear nose throat doctor
face profile icon representing ear nose throat doctor
medicine icon representing medical oncologist
medicine icon representing medical oncologist
face profile icon with heart over the brain representing mental health professional
face profile icon with heart over the brain representing mental health professional
nurse hat icon representing nurses
nurse hat icon representing nurses
open mouth icon representing cytopathologist/pathologist
open mouth icon representing cytopathologist/pathologist
hand lifting weight icon representing physical and/or occupational therapist
hand lifting weight icon representing physical and/or occupational therapist
stethoscope icon representing primary care provider
stethoscope icon representing primary care provider
radiotherapy icon representing radiation oncologist
radiotherapy icon representing radiation oncologist
food groups icon representing registered dietician
food groups icon representing registered dietician
chatting bubble icon representing speech-language pathologist
chatting bubble icon representing speech-language pathologist
surgical tools icon representing surgeon
surgical tools icon representing surgeon
head and neck cancer care team resource for download

Click to download a PDF explaining the HNC care team.